Monday, June 2, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bored Contract Attorney writes blog...little less bored now

The Subprime Storm is coming

The SEC last year formed an internal task force to investigate various areas of the subprime mortgage market including sales practices, accounting, the role of credit rating firms and securitization of packaged mortgages.
Many market participants, including credit rating agencies, Wall Street firms and mortgage brokers and lenders, have been criticized for fueling the U.S. housing market, perhaps without disclosing certain risks.
The SEC, which aims to maintain market confidence, is focused on proper disclosure and potential fraudulent activities to investors.
"I think we'll have a few subprime-related cases relatively soon ... within weeks," one source said.
It's another GabesGuide.com Unscientific-Scientific Poll: Today's Topic, Outsourcing.
You have 4 days to send Sarah Sellers to college
It's GabesGuide.com 2nd Monthsary!

Outsourcing: This is why my Lazy Sunday Links should stop being so lazy

Off Topic: What a historic decision!

Because America stinks at lending money, India is the hottest place on earth to practice law, well American law at least

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So what country will be outsourced to next, once India becomes the most vibrant economy in the world

In the past three years, the legal outsourcing industry here has grown about 60 percent annually. According to a report by research firm ValueNotes, the industry will employ about 24,000 people and earn revenue of $640 million by 2010. Indian workers who once helped with legal transcription now offer services that include research, litigation support, document discovery and review, drafting of contracts and patent writing. The industry offers an attractive career path for many of the 300,000 Indians who enroll in law schools every year. [Link]"
You have 5 days to send Sarah Sellers to college
Outsourcing Company still trying to discern difference between DC, Chicago

On behalf of and in Asst. to CEO.
UK Lawyers scurriliously read through new white paper, still looking for protagonist, plot.

Slightly Off Topic: Winston & Strawn to now just go by the name "Win"

It’s part of a new branding trend for law firms — to go by only one name.
Monday, May 26, 2008
You have 6 Days left to send Sarah Sellers to College
Reason #11 Why DC Rules: Rolling Thunder

In honor of Memorial Day:
"Rolling Thunder Inc., established in 1987, is a veterans advocacy organization that works for the return of prisoners of war and missing in action from all of the conflicts of the United States. The organization does not require that its members be veterans;[1] and estimates that 40% to 45% of its members are non-veterans.[2]
Because many group members ride motorcycles and many group events are motorcycle-oriented, Rolling Thunder is sometimes referred to as a motorcycle club or "biker group." However, riding or owning a motorcycle is not a requirement, and the group's primary focus is on veterans' advocacy.
The President of the organization is Artie Muller. Muller has worked closely with exiled Prince Nguyen Phuc Buu Chanh of Vietnam with the stated goal of helping to bring closure to the U.S. families of unaccounted-for MIAs and POWs from the Vietnam War.
Rolling Thunder is noted for its annual gathering of members and supporters at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia every Memorial Day weekend."
The video below is entitled Rolling Thunder Ride to the Wall. I like it. Watch it when you get a chance.
Featured Review Tool: Kroll OnTrack

"In today's digital world, attorneys frequently review massive amounts of computerized text and data to locate, analyze and organize key evidence in preparation for client cases.
Kroll Ontrack, the technology services group of Kroll, helps attorneys and litigators at corporations, law firms and government agencies gather and filter electronic documents for use in legal proceedings, regulatory matters and investigations. Kroll Ontrack also recovers, restores and protects electronic data that has been erased, reformatted or lost, and investigates the causes of technology and data tampering.
With the technology strength of Kroll Ontrack and the risk consulting expertise of Kroll's other businesses, Kroll can provide full scale solutions for investigations, corporate restructuring and security matters.
Our Services
Electronic Discovery
Increasing quantities of electronic data and documents often require attorneys to spend excessive amounts of time trying to identify discoverable electronic evidence. Kroll Ontrack's electronic discovery specialists provide a range of time-efficient and cost-effective services that help gather, analyze, organize and prepare data for review in litigation matters and regulatory proceedings.
Computer Forensics
Kroll Ontrack specializes in developing effective strategies for locating and retrieving electronic data from computer hard drives and technology systems. Kroll Ontrack's computer forensics engineers are trained to identify where exactly on computer networks key evidence is likely to be found-even if that evidence appears at first to have been erased or lost. Kroll Ontrack also can create a comprehensive chronology of computer usage and determine whether computer evidence was altered, damaged or removed.
Data Recovery
Kroll Ontrack uses proprietary recovery and analysis tools and techniques to locate, recover and analyze active, deleted or damaged electronic data. Whether working along side clients to recover data or providing the same services from remote locations, Kroll Ontrack customizes real-time data-recovery solutions that are fast, convenient and cost-efficient, retrieving electronic documents from virtually all computer storage and operating systems."
Breaking News: Lawyers to benefit from misdeeds of corporate executives, public officials

Here is a small but rather interesting article concerning white collar crime from Crain's Detroit Business:
"Criminal defense lawyers, even those representing white-collar defendants, once were mostly trial specialists and usually practiced solo or in small firms.
Their reputations earned them major clients and cases, often referred from large firms that wanted to keep the stigma of criminal litigation away from their business clients.
But times have changed.
Stakes are higher as federal investigations increasingly target companies and top corporate officials. And such cases generate major revenue."
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lazy Sunday Links: I say YahGooHoogle, you say MicroHoogle, would you just make a decision?

- The MicroHoogle drama still is playing out. Reuters give a recap.
- World’s richest man says banks are to blame for this whole sub prime thing.
- Small Bethesda sues US government and legal outsourcing vendor trying to protect this little known detail in the world of legal ethics called “client confidentiality.”
- Off topic: Don’t forget to vote for Sarah Sellers, your next West Virginia Idol. And if you want to know more about Sarah Sellers, click here.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Warren Buffett: After the USA's slow and painful death, I will buy America for 200 Trillion Dollars, which will be equal to about 31 euros

Off Topic: Big Brown take note: Sarah Lee Sellers turning into the Secretariat in the horserace for West Virginia Idol
As of today Sarah Lee Sellers has over 450 more votes than she did yesterday, and I am sure much of that was because of your help. She leads the pack by over 400 votes, but she is by no means out of the woods yet. Afterall, she in West Virginia, which probably means she is never out of the woods. Ok, bad joke I admit. To quote Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, "I kid, I kid."
Please click here to vote for Sarah. And to read more about her story click here, or just scroll two entries down. The contest ends on June 1st, which is a week from tomorrow.
It is also important that she has a strong showing because apparantly our votes only count for one third of the role in selecting the winner.
Grand Prize Winner Announced (6/03/08) Process of picking winner includes input from MetroNews & Sponsors (1/3rd), WVWC (1/3rd), and Voting Results (1/3rd).We cannot have these West Virginia Wesleyan and MetroNews Superdelegates overturning the will of the American people! That is why she needs to go into the convention with a sizeable lead.
Oh by the way, if you don't have any idea who Sarah Lee Sellers is, she's a freaking genius.
If there's such a thing as competitive calculator mashing, Sarah Lee Sellers would get the medal. A high school junior from Hedgesville, W.Va., Sarah spent 2,000 hours and burned out two calculators – creating a handmade 111 by 111 prime magic square out of only Eisenstein prime numbers. (If you must ask, a magic square's columns all add up to the same number, while an Eisenstein prime is any number where 3n-1 equals a prime.) She even managed to sneak a cryptic message – "Love" – in the top center.
A testament to a rigorous mind, Sarah's accomplishment – whether it medals or not at ISEF – has already sparked interest in math among classmates back in Hedgesville, she says. And when a gaggle of local elementary school students gathers around her booth, she explains sweetly, holding up her giant magic square: "You can do anything you want to if you put your mind to it."
Vote Today.
Featured Review Software: Applied Discovery from Lexis Nexis

Friday, May 23, 2008
Off Topic: Actually, way off topic: I want Sarah Lee Sellers to be the next West Virginia Idol

Quick Hit: If you think Six Flags is fun, checkout this webinar Best Practices for Gaining Control over Corporate E-Discovery, yeah...

Reason # 10 Why DC Rules: Six Flags America

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Second Request Alert: Is the Microsoft-Yahoo engagement over after Yahoo caught sleeping with Google?

Predatory lenders must prove to be less predatory, more lender

22/05/2008 - 15:02
"The pace of subprime-related litigation continues with no apparent end in sight as more and more lawsuits are filed against mortgage lenders, Wall Street firms that packaged and resold the mortgage loans into bonds and mortgage backed securities (â€Å“MBSâ€), and companies that invested in MBS. Many of the mortgage lender lawsuits are directed at underwriting practices and accounting estimates, including estimates related to allowance for loan losses, valuation of mortgage servicing rights and residual securities, and liabilities for loan repurchases.
President of Kroll on Track to battle President of Lexis Nexis Applied Discovery on top of Sears Tower to determine supreme control of Chicago

Off Topic: Another Red State Update and special comment
I have my own political opinions as I would think most attorneys do, and I am not afraid to espouse them when appropiate. That being said The Red State Update is a comedy troupe, and I find them freaking hilarious. You can check out their prior posts on their website or YouTube.
Again, they are a COMEDY TROUPE. They make fun of Democrats and Republicans. Heck, they make fun of themselves. The whole red state, red neck thing is part of their schtick, like it is for Jeff Foxworthy or Larry the Cable Guy. They do this to make money. They don't see Red and they don't see Blue. Believe me, the only color that they see is green.
Besides, life is short, we all need to laugh every now and then.
Creepy Dolls to remain creepy afterall

Court Opinion states that if you are not asking for it, you are "asking for it"

Off Topic: I just find this cartoon funny

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
T2 to EA: $25.74 a share is that all I am worth to you?

Strauss Zelnick, Take-Two's chairman, announced in a statement that the company had begun a "process" involving some type of "formal discussions" with unnamed "interested parties." A Take-Two spokeswoman said the New York-based company declined to elaborate on the wording of the statement and would offer no additional details.
Take-Two's board, which repeatedly has characterized EA's offer as insufficient, had rejected any formal negotiations until after the April 29 release of "Grand Theft Auto IV," the latest edition of the blockbuster game series that's central to EA's bid."
We have an answer from DC Bar President-Elect Candidate Kim Keenan, well an email at least...

By the way...

Charlie the Tuna, Bumble Bee Mascot, and Mermaid from Chicken of the Sea prepare to enter the octagon in UFC cage fight.

FCPA: Companies need to exercise due diligence to comply with the FCPA with guidelines that are not there and rules that are not written either

Europe: Open to topless beaches, legal drug use, but closed to anyone seeing our documents

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Off Topic Meet Jeff Foxworthy 2.0
Outsourcing: Law licenses, we don't need no stinkin law licenses.
"New Delhi: Bad times for some American companies is turning into good times for India’s legal offshoring industry.
Off Topic: This is why I voted Kristina Arvanitis for President
Is G-Discovery the new E-Discovery?

"E-discovery is no exception to this mega-trend, and I expect a portion of the e-discovery software business to move to the cloud. How quickly this happens depends on how easy it is for companies to adopt cloud-based e-discovery solutions, which is why Google’s recent moves into e-discovery are so significant.
Google is by far the largest cloud computing company in the world. Its cloud-based Google Apps suite of applications was only launched in 2007, but is already being used by several hundred thousand businesses and, Google tells me, 2,000 new businesses sign up every day. Today, the customers are mainly small to medium sized businesses (500-5,000 employees). But as its functionality improves, larger companies will increasingly start asking why they should pay for Microsoft Office when cheaper alternatives exist."
Apple to initiate shock torture on competitors, possibly waterboard

The domain HellerEhrmanWinstonStrawnProskauerRose.com still available

WOW. 1000 people find another way to procrastinate

Monday, May 19, 2008
Second Request Alert: So much for going steady, Microsoft-Yahoo now engaged

Featured Review Software: kCura Relativity

Load, search, and display Unicode data for major foreign languages including: Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, and Korean. Allow for a potentially infinite horizontal partitioning of the system through a fully distributable architecture of all system components.Want to learn more? Check out Relativity's Key Features."
TIFF On-the-fly, which allows you to view, search, and redact documents without costly, time-consuming conversions.
Build and track workflow processes from initial review to production.
Connect your case data to clients, counsel, contract attorneys, experts, and vendors.
Securely import and export data using industry-standard load file formats.
Get running quickly in a hosted version of the software by working with our Premium Hosting Partners, or Consulting Partners.
Always access exceptional customer service from a responsive, friendly, and knowledgeable staff.
Second Request Alert: American_Badazz_0429 would like to add you as a friend

Microsoft already has a small stake and the Wall Street Journal said this month the software giant, having failed in its $47.5 billion bid for Internet portal Yahoo Inc, had approached Facebook to gauge its interest in a full takeover."