Chicago Lawyer Magazine conducted an e-discovery poll of Illinois attorneys and the results were rather interesting:
"Perhaps the biggest surprise occurred almost immediately in the question which asked “Are you familiar with the Federal Rules changes regarding electronic discovery?” 70% answered “Yes” which means that 30% were not familiar with the rule changes. The figure seems almost astonishing given the high degree of coverage and the flurry of CLE activity surrounding changes that went into effect in December of 2006."
"The question, “Have you ever hired an electronic discovery consultant or firm?” provided the biggest surprise of the survey for me. 69% of the respondents indicated that they had not hired an eDiscovery consultant or firm. Those who did hire such a company preferred Kroll (25%) Lexis-Nexis Applied Discovery (20%), Fios (18.5), FYI (18% ) and EED (15%) All other companies listed (KPMG, Encore, Stratify, Attenex and Navigant) came in at single digit percentages.
Upon examination, the breakdown is perhaps not so surprising. The respondents answering “yes” to the consultant question were the large firm attorneys with high value cases. The respondents answering “No” were predominately sole-practitioners and small firms. The fact that these are respondents performing a high percentage of their eDiscovery work in-house is a theory perhaps born out by the fact that the two most popular products listed as a response our question about products are Summation at 64% and Concordance at 47% . Both products are more easily used by smaller firms to perform their own eDiscovery processing, especially on email files. And in fact, after those two products, no other company had higher than a 10% response except for EnCase, which is typically used for forensic-level analysis of servers and workstations."
BTW, that picture below is from Cloud Gate Park in Chicago. Also don't forget to take first GabesGuide.com Unscientific-Scientific poll as well.
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