Friday, May 16, 2008

Attenex one step closer to complete world domination

"Lots of chatter on the recent Kazeon / Attenex announcement that promises eDiscovery processing costs as low as $4.30 per Gigabyte. Many experienced eDiscovery folks have cried foul, citing the intricate details of eDiscovery processing and the inherent costs. C'mon folks - somewhere the twain shall meet. eDiscovery processing costs are going to come down no matter what. The technology for processing is getting better and, more importantly, organizations are starting to proactively manage much of their discoverable information (though not enough for my liking). How fast we go from $2,000 per GB for processing to less than $5 per GB remains to be seen. That debate, frankly, takes us away from the more important issues to be solve. Why? Because everyone is focused on the ability to collect and find legacy information that is traditionally unmanaged. What the focus should be on is proactively managing this information. That's right - setting retention policies, getting rid of non-necessary content; these types of actions are what will eventually lead to the elimination of processing fees. But, the legacy data messes that exist within organizations will keep processing vendors busy for quite some time."
I did not cover the Kazeon/Attenex alliance orginally for a few reasons. First this blog tries to focus more on the attorney review side of e-discovery, although I do venture into technology from time to time, because I think it is important, especially for contract attorneys, to be up on the lastest trends. The other reason is that I research a ton of websites a day on this topic, and there are countless articles on what technology vendor is partnering with who and what. I could spend all day filling the blog with info like that.
That being said, 5 bucks a gig, wow. If they can pull that off, it would definitely be pretty revolutionary.

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