"A well documented catalyst for the surge around eDiscovery is the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) made in December of 2006. FRCP has forced the hand of IT staff to be able to prove that data that is germane to a court case is reasonably accessible and, in many cases, to produce that data in as little as 30-45 days. This includes any electronically stored information (ESI) within an enterprise, including data that resides on desktops and laptops, file servers, networked storage systems, email servers and email archives. Reasonably accessible can happen at any time and there are a number of recent cases showing that the courts have no patience for the traditional response of, “We’re not sure where it is, but eventually we will be able to find it.” The future is clear in that there is a need for consistent, repeatable and targeted eDiscovery processes that can also be deployed across a company, creating an “eDiscovery-ready,” proactive environment. "
Full article is here.
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