It is hard to believe that I have had this blog for this long already. I remember the beginning as if it were only last month. March 28, 2008 was a sunny, warm spring Friday, and the cherry blossoms were in bloom. However, that did not fully temper the uneasiness people felt about their future in an uncertain economy. (Pretty much the same uneasiness they feel now.)
It was then that I started this blog. I started by writing an epic, in depth thesis on what my takes were with the future of the e-discovery industry and where I wanted to take this blog. Sixty entries later and huge shout out from the mighty Posse List, here we are today—one month later.
In all honesty, I have greatly enjoyed my new experiment. I have had a hand in the e-discovery industry since July of 2003, when I signed on as a contract attorney on my first project. I find e-discovery to be a fascinating field in the law, one that is constantly changing with the times, and I use Gabe’s Guide as a platform to discuss the many different facts of its universe.
In general, I like to adhere to the following order:
First, what is it that generates e-discovery document review projects?
The Guide covers FCPA actions, Second Requests, White Collar Crime, and complex litigation matters.
First, what is it that generates e-discovery document review projects?
The Guide covers FCPA actions, Second Requests, White Collar Crime, and complex litigation matters.
Second, who are the players on an e-discovery review?
Right now I have only focused on contract attorneys, but I hope to expand this other players as well-The project managers, staff attorneys, paralegals and others who contribute to this process.
Right now I have only focused on contract attorneys, but I hope to expand this other players as well-The project managers, staff attorneys, paralegals and others who contribute to this process.
Third, what are the tools of e-discovery?
Every now and then I feature a different review tool. So far I have mentioned Catalyst, Attenex, and DocuMatrix, and will continue to mention more.
Every now and then I feature a different review tool. So far I have mentioned Catalyst, Attenex, and DocuMatrix, and will continue to mention more.
Fourth, what new trends are on the horizon?
The Guide not only covers new technologies and best practices, but also trends in litigation, such as offshore outsourcing.
The Guide not only covers new technologies and best practices, but also trends in litigation, such as offshore outsourcing.
Lastly, I want the blog to be fun.
Let’s face it. E-discovery isn’t the sexiest field in the law. It can be rather boring to some. That is why I throw in off topic postings and YouTube videos. I always live by the general rule that you take what you do seriously, but never take yourself too seriously.
Let’s face it. E-discovery isn’t the sexiest field in the law. It can be rather boring to some. That is why I throw in off topic postings and YouTube videos. I always live by the general rule that you take what you do seriously, but never take yourself too seriously.
By covering all of these areas, we can all get a decent gage as to the future of the market. From what I have seen, it looks like we are all in for a busy summer.
Again, this experiment of mine is still in a work in progress, but it has been a great joy so far.
Oh and for the three of you that actually read this blog, please feel free to comment every now and then so I know you are still out there.
Best as always,
Gabe Acevedo
Gabe Acevedo
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