The article below is regarding the lawsuit settlement the Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick had with two former Detroit police officers. Long story short the Mayor was busted via text message that he was having an affair with his chief of staff and had lied about that affair under oath. The reason I am posting is because this whole thing blew wide open over one document. Had a forensic technician not retrieved this document from the plaintiff's lawyer's computer, most likely, they would never have been caught. When are people gonna realize that if you are going to have an affair, shoot your love notes out on a webmail account like Yahoo or Hotmail. I mean, honestly, the nerve.
For more details on this the Detroit Free Press has all the details you want to know on this here.
From the ABA Journal:
"A critical legal document that led almost instantaneously to an $8.4 million city settlement of two Detroit police whistle-blower cases reportedly has been found on a plaintiffs lawyer's computer and is to be discussed tomorrow in court.
Now at issue in an ongoing controversy over the handling of the settlement, which has put lawyers from all sides on the hot seat, the 18-page legal memorandum by plaintiffs lawyer Mike Stefani triggered an immediate settlement, reports the Detroit Free Press. That's because it contained quotations from several text messages between the city mayor and his former chief of staff that called the truthfulness of court testimony into question (and allegedly revealed that the two may have been having an affair), according to the newspaper.
Stefani reportedly had erased the document, but a forensic technician resurrected it from his computer."
Now at issue in an ongoing controversy over the handling of the settlement, which has put lawyers from all sides on the hot seat, the 18-page legal memorandum by plaintiffs lawyer Mike Stefani triggered an immediate settlement, reports the Detroit Free Press. That's because it contained quotations from several text messages between the city mayor and his former chief of staff that called the truthfulness of court testimony into question (and allegedly revealed that the two may have been having an affair), according to the newspaper.
Stefani reportedly had erased the document, but a forensic technician resurrected it from his computer."
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