Thursday, May 22, 2008

Off Topic: Another Red State Update and special comment

I saw the other day that someone commented about my new favorite comedy troupe, The Red State Update, about how I was turning this site into a political blog. I hardly think posting this video rises to the level of doing that, but regardless, this is not a political blog.

I have my own political opinions as I would think most attorneys do, and I am not afraid to espouse them when appropiate. That being said The Red State Update is a comedy troupe, and I find them freaking hilarious. You can check out their prior posts on their website or YouTube.

Again, they are a COMEDY TROUPE. They make fun of Democrats and Republicans. Heck, they make fun of themselves. The whole red state, red neck thing is part of their schtick, like it is for Jeff Foxworthy or Larry the Cable Guy. They do this to make money. They don't see Red and they don't see Blue. Believe me, the only color that they see is green.

Besides, life is short, we all need to laugh every now and then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is too short not to laugh. These guys are great, they poke fun at themselves. It's not like we are in the middle of a war, oil is almost $140 a barrel and food prices are going through the roof...but wait....WE ARE. Humor is needed!

Thanks Gabe for the laugh!